课题名称 母畜流产病因-新孢子虫病rELISA诊断试剂盒的应用研究 Application research on Neospora caninum- rELISA diagnostic kit 执行时间 2012年 1 月-2014年12 月 课题编号 XJEDU201121 项目来源 自治区教育厅高教处 资助经费 8 万 主 持 人 巴音查汗 结 题 否 在研 成 员 夏利宁、陈亮、刘启生、曹雯丽、加尔肯 摘 要 新孢子虫病是导致母畜流产的一种全球性原虫病。目前仍没该病的有效防控措施和疫苗,“淘汰患畜”成为控制该病的唯一途径。可至今国内尚无价廉实用的“ELISA kit”上市,加之在我区每年20%的妊娠母牛发生不明原因地流产,束手无策。本项研究在前期研制的“rELISA试剂盒”的基础上,着重研究其应用,即:组装试剂盒、大范围临床使用,根据其使用参数来评测该试剂盒的性能。组装试剂盒约100份,发放给农户及奶牛场使用,拟采集全疆疑似区1000余头份有流产史母畜的样品,用组装好的“试剂盒”进行血清学检测、分析其流产病因-新孢子虫,同时进行鉴别诊断,与国外的“商品试剂盒”进行对比,并统计符合率。根据使用中存在的问题,改正技术、完善该“新孢子虫病rELISA试剂盒”的性能,从而研发针对性强、检出率高、价格优廉及竞争优势的国产“试剂盒”,向商品化跨步。为即将生产能替代进口试剂盒、具有自主知识产权的“试剂盒”奠定基础。 Abstract Neosporosis is a kind of worldwide epidemic Protozoal diseases,which is a major cause of infection abortion in dam.Currently, there is no effective drug and vaccines for control of Neosporosis."Out of Sick animals" has become the only way to control the disease.So far,There is no inexpensive and practical "ELISA kit" in the country.Simultaneously , 20% of pregnant cows unexplained abortions occur in each year. We Focuses on its application on the basis of previous study of the "rELISA kit" .Namely: assembling kit、Within the large range of clinical applications and Evaluating the performance of the kit.About 100 parts assembled kit, used to farmers and dairy farm.Xinjiang suspected area Collected the abortion samples more than 1,000,were used to detect Neosporosis.To analyze its cause of abortion,and same time,to compared with "commercial kits" Depend on the problem,Correcting technology and improving the performance of the "The rELISA kit of Neosporosis ".To develop a kind of domestic "kit" ,Wich is targeted, cheap ,and have high detection rateand competitive advantages.Producting a "kit" with independent intellectual property rights to lay the foundation that replace the imported kit.